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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Somebody got their FIRST TOOTH!!!

Spending time with my Chloee makes me realize how very lucky I am.......Today while sharing a baby mum mum together, I noticed her first tooth had cut through!!!  Our big girl!!!   Santa must have brought Chloee her first tooth for Christmas...almost 8 months old!!! 
A few hours later, adding to the excitment of the day......we watched Ms . Chloee stand all on her own with a little help from a foot stool!!!  She is growing up so fast!!!!  We love them all so much!!!

Christmas 2010 with 3 kids!

How very blessed we are to be surrounded by so much family at Christmas time!!!  Chase, Jett and Chloee have truly allowed us to live through their eyes with the excitement of Christmas time!!!  It was so very exciting to watch Chase this year, he was soooooo excited about every moment of the holiday.  This was the first year that he really "got" the whole Santa thing and what was happening!!!  Christmas morning in our house was completely craziness....and I LOVED every minute.....watching 3 kids opening all their gifts and the excitement in their eyes...well that was gift enough for me!!  We also tried to teach Chase however, how very lucky he is and that there are kids out there that are not so lucky, and so we bought some toys to give away to those kids.  He understood and I think he was very excited about the thought of giving a present to another child.  Jett loved every second as well, he did not understand the whole concept but man he was so sweet and happy throughout the whole craziness.  Chloee, well she was just her sweet self and posed ever so perfect for all the pictures that her crazy mom took of all three kids.  Wishing everyone a wonderful 2011....looking forward to sharing more stories this coming year!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

When I grow up!!!

Just a short cute story to share today.  Earlier in the day as sitting here reading a book, Chase says to me...."Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a Teacher.  A Teacher like Sherry from Jett's school....remember her?  She was my very best teacher I ever had!!!! 

Sooooo freekin cute!!! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Getting Ready for Christmas 2010...with three kids!!! :)

What a very exciting time of year it is, I am sooooo blessed to have such a wonderful family to share this time of year with.  How much fun this time of year is especially with 3 beautiful children.  Getting ready for the big day involves many preparations........

The beginning of December we decided it was time to put up the Christmas tree, so much fun this year as Chase is now old enough to really enjoy the process and help Mommy with every decoration....on the other hand, it is a great joke to watch Jett decorate and continue to decorate the tree to this day, I am finding little race cars in the the perfect little spot right at Jett's height!  How sweet he is.  The decorations are put on the tree and taken off the tree daily by Jett.  Needless to say the tree has taken somewhat of a beating this year.  Never had a tree like it in my house and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

Another fun activity this year....getting the faithful Christmas Card picture........OMG it has been fun over the years getting all the kids to co-operate, which really hasn't happen thus far, which makes the cards that much more special!!!
Looking at those sweet little faces...well I'd say we have the best Christmas Card in the world this year!!!! 

I am like a child myself this year getting ready for Christmas, I cannot wait to see their faces on the big morning!!!  Their my gift!!!! 

Enjoy getting ready for the holidays truly is a special time of year!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chase and the Dentist

Well another proud moment to reveal.  Chaseman had his first dentist appointment today at the tender age of 4.  He was amazing!!!  Such a big boy now.....he simply amazes me every single day.  I am so very proud to call him my son.  After an awesome experience at the dentist, Chase was told he had NO cavities and had wonderful teeth that were coming in perfectly!!!  All your hard work of brushing everyday is paying off big fella!!!  xo

Friday, November 5, 2010


Wanted to share with everyone how sweet our little Chloee's hair is at 6 months old.  So very sweet and growing fast and furious!!!  I wanted a little girl to be able to style her hair with Bret's, hairbands and bows......well I think my wish came true!!!!

A VERY PROUD Momma Moment

Well today I attended Chase's first Parent Teacher Night interview for Junior Kindergarten.  What a wonderful experience it was....please be patient with my while I gloat for a little bit!!!

A few of the key notes about Chase were......
1.  He can now write his own name and recognize his name.
2.  He is ready to begin the reading journey.
3.  Follows direction.
4.  Very courteous of others and their feelings
5.  Very respectful of others belongings.
6.  Provides Self-direction.
7.  Very confident in trying new activities.
8.  Has a huge group of friends.
10.  Very Helpful with others in need.
11.  Can count to 29.
12.  Beginning to copy letters and create sentences.

Such a proud moment in a Mommy's Life, thank you for allowing me to share!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Couch

So I am now wondering why we even bought Jett a "Big Boy Bed".  He has gotten into the habit of coming down to the living room couch in the middle of the night and sleeping there all by himself.  Not sure what the draw is too the couch but I guess he is his fathers son, Matt LOVES sleeping on the couch.  At first I tried taking him up each night and putting him back in his bedroom, but no, he wanted no part in this.  My concern being his safety, so the doors are are locked and baby locked and the Aalarm is set every night in case he does happen to decide to go for walk!  Which he has been known to do.  So in the end, I guess we could have saved a few bucks on his bed and just let him have sweet dreams on the couch!!!  What a little "Man" he is!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Day of a Mom

Well for kicks I thought I would document a day in my life with 3 ya go!!!

We started our day at 6am, which was a pretty good start.  Down the stairs and time to get a bottle for Ms. Chloee and one for Jett and a sippy cup for Chase of milk, next, time to change some bums, Chloee first, then Jett....ok everyone is ok for the moment, time to poor a coffee that Matt has so graciously made for us, turn the tube onto BT and grab my computer for some updates.  10 minutes later, Mommy.....I need some toast...can you make me some toast...up again and making toast.  As I pass by to head to the kitchen I get a wiff, of Chloee, yep the princess is in need of a diaper change and bad!!!!  Good one little one!!!  Make the toast and deliver to the boys.  Where's my drink, back to the kitchen.   Everyone is fine again for a moment, run to the laundry room and throw a load in.  Back to the living room, as there is a wrestling matching that has broken out, apparently we can't share a book.........referee time!!!  Ok Chloee is done her bottle and in need of an activity change, over to the floor to play on the her play mat.  Mommy, I need clothes, I wanna get dressed now...up the stairs I run to grab two sets of clothes.  No I don't like those socks!!!  Too bad...WEAR EM!!!  Ok Diaper change number 2 for Jett and dressing time!
Mommy, can you put a movie on downstairs....down the stairs we go to the rec room, put a movie on down there.  Can you build us a train tack?  Yep down on the hands and knee's building a track.  Chloee begins to scream up on the main level so back up the stairs I go.  She is ready for her nap, change of bum for her #3 and stussy in the mouth and a little rocking in her stroller.  All is calm, back to my computer for a few updates!  And the buzzer rings on the washer, load is done, time to switch to the dryer and throw another load in.  Now time to get something productive done in the house, fall is here, lets get all the summer shoe's put away......task done!!!  Chloee awakes for Bum Change #4, this time, we need a bath........pull all the bath stuff out and up we go to the tub.  All clean now and dressed in a new outfit!   Buzzer goes on the washer again....loads switched.  Ok now time to start thinking about lunch and what to make for supper.  Chili tonight so I will start that now, yes even though it is only 10:50am.  Gotta be prepared!!!!  
And the screams from the basement start yet again and out comes the referee!!!  Time out for Chase, up the stairs we go......we don't hit each other.  Ya right!!! 
Jett wants some more milk...back upstairs to the kitchen and to get him a bottle, thank god it is almost nap time for him.  Should I try now?????  Yep, no that didn't work, too early, now they want to go and play in the backyard, on the coats and shoes go and out they go!!!  Good time to start the hamburger for the chili, 10 minutes later...they're back in...can you put a movie on?  We want a Peanut Butter sandwich, well I guess lunch is done!  No crust Mom, I don't eat that!!!  Ok done!!!
Continue making the chili.  Chloee's awake from her 30 min. nap....diaper change #5, might just a well do Jett while my hands our dirty, #3 for him.    Ok time to get back down on the floor and have some play time with the boys....making forts it is!!!
Now we want to go back outside, shoes back on and coats, out they go, 5 minutes later....Mom, Jett stepped in Dog poo...out I go to clean up dog s&%*....never those shoes go and new ones put on!  Ok they are playing outside fine, time to sit down and relax for a few!!!    Ok back in they come and want Treehouse on, perhaps a little quiet time for Mom.......Jett is ready for a nap, up the stairs we go, put down for a nap, Chloee wakes up, and dryer buzzer goes, time to fold!!  Mommy can I have a snack, yep Chase...go pick something out!  I need a milk too please.  Done, snack time!  ooooops Mommy, I dropped my cheesies all over the floor.  Get over there and down on the hands and knees again to clean them up before the dogs get them.  Ok all cleaned up.  I think I need to eat something myself, nothing in this tummy this morning yet.......grab a yogurt and eat it standing up while I load the dishwasher!  As I type this I am laughing cause it sounds ridiculous but it is all true.......who needs a treadmill, it's only 11:30 am and I have done more laps then I could possibly make myself do on the good old mill!!!! 
Well break time is now over and time to run the vacuum around the house to get up the dog hair from our two black labs.  This is done literally kidding!!  Just ask Matt, I drive him nuts.  And why Jett loves vacuums.  And Hench, why Gramma bought him his very own machine!!!   And so the day continues....
Time for another diaper change, lost count by this point, but both of them need it done and NOW!!!  No wasting time!!!  lol!!!  Yet another trip to the garage garbage the dirty diapers go!

Mommy can I have a snack?  Yet again Chase is hungry....this time I guess it should be a healthy one....grab a banana dude!!!  Bottle time for Chloee again too.  Ok supper is simmering on the stove now, yes it is early but it is done, don't have to worry about that now as Chase has hockey at 5....not much time to eat and get out the door.
Chase has now started to teach himself to pour his own milk, doing a pretty good job a few spills but soon that will be one thing off the list to do!!! 
I sit and type this while rocking Chloee in her stroller with my foot......I think you get the idea of my day.....and it just continues on like this.......LOVE MY BOSSES TO DEATH!!  They put me to work and I wouldn't change a second of my day!!!  The pay is FANTASTIC!!!!! 

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Matt decides early in the evening that he wanted to go and get some firewood for the kids to have some campfires on this beautiful long weekend.  He takes the boys with him and was going to stop at a local farm to let the kids see the animals, the cow, horses and goats.  They had a great time!  When they came home the boys were outside with Daddy unloading the firewood.  I got on the computer and was doing a little work, after about 20 minutes of being outside, Chase came in and said "Mommy Look., Look Mommy".  I was in the middle of an email and did not want to loose my train of thought so continued to type.  Once again Chase called me and yet again, so I stopped typing and turned and looked at him.  OMG he was holding a beautiful little duck by the my kitchen!!!!  I screamed so loud it scared him and he began to scream and then it turned into crying!!!    After it all I felt so bad for scaring him but man he scared the poop out of me....can you imagine turning around and seeing your son holding a real duck by the neck standing in the middle of your kitchen!!!  It's times like this I wish we had a permanent video camera running in this house to we could have captured the moment.  Being the mother of boys...well lets just say....WOW!!!  The adventure continues!!!! LOL!!!  Little did I know that when Matt went to this farm a wee bit of hunting would occur!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

And A Hockey Career Begins

Well my 4 year old Chase will be beginning his hockey days starting this evening.  This little man will be on the ice 3 times a week, which seems like a lot to me.  But I am told it will be great for him and he will probably be like his Grampa Dave out there on the ice, mixed in with a little of his Daddy's "Doctor Death" style of hockey.  I am soooooo lucky to be becoming a "Hockey Mom".  Looking forward to every minute of it.   Will update how the first night goes later!!!  Way to go Big Man aka ....Baby Doctor Death!!!

Well the first day of hockey wasn't to successful, Chase came home from school not well....fell asleep and had to be woken up 20 minutes befor we were to leave for the rink....Ever try to form a kids mouth guard for him when he has just been woken up and very grumpy?  No...well try it sometime, wish I had of caught this on tape.....Chase wanted no part in the little piece of plastic and lost his mind.  Finally after 25 minutes of negotiating, fighting, tears and more tears,(mommy laughing in the corner as daddy tried to make this simple task happen)  the mouth guard has been formed....ready for hockey on Saturday morning.  I will be sure to update...lets hope we make it to the rink this time!!!!

Well Saturday monring came along and off he went to the rink!!!  He LOVED it!!!  Matt said he did really well for not being on the ice since last year!!!  I'm a proud Hockey Momma !!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well yet again a new experience with Jett.  4 years ago after having Chase we decided to formula feed him, we then followed suit with all of our kids.......Thank God!!!!

Yesterday after asking for yet another bottle of milk, Jett took his bottle and walked away content.  A few moments later he became very frantic. pointing down to the ground at something.  It turns out it was the tip of his nipple from his bottle, he had bitten it off.  He was very upset pointing at it on the ground saying....OUCH!!!!  What a kid!!!!!  No breast feeding for this Momma!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bye Bye Poopy Pants

While visiting here in Kingston we had a new experience with Jett.  During a very busy time, Chloee needed her diaper changed, she had done a number two and made a mess of her brand new pink tights.  Gramma had changed her and while getting her a new outfit to put on, Jett proceeded to put the soiled tights in the can and flush away, cause isn't that where that sort of thing goes?  Yep Jett, your right buddy!!!  Bye Bye new pink tights..enjoy your new home! 

Upon returning home to Wellesley, he decided to flush a toothbrush down the toilet as well!!!    I now have a Plumber on speed dial!!!! 

The next date with the toilet took place two days later.  Matt left his wallet on our dryer within reach of Jett.  I noticed Matt then searching our house in a frenzie.  I asked, what is the matter?  His answer....JETT......he had taken Matt's wallet, taken $200 bucks out and receipts for work.....they were no where to be found.  We finally started to come to the conclusion that the money and receipts that are just like money had been flushed down the toilet.  Luckily after 2 hours of searching, under the couch, there was the money and receipts.  Sorry for thinking you flushed them Jett, however you are still guilty!!!!  LOL!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Travelling With Kids

Can there be anything more tough than travelling with your kids, yep maybe the preparation for the travel!!!  I spend days getting ready for our trips to Kingston, so many things to think about from Teething Gel to Taggy Blankets, my crew travel with a lot of things, no wonder our Suburban is loaded to the max, 2 adults 3 kids, 2 black labs and all our stuff!!!  It's pure insanity! 

Then we come to the actually travel day and the caous that happens getting the vehicle loaded, making sure the dogs have gone to the bathroom, does everyone have their snack and drinks, bottles are full, diapers are changed and Chase have you used the bathroom yet?  Just a few of the thoughts that flash threw my mind.

We are loaded and we pull out of our driveway, waving goodbye to our house and starting that 4 hour journey of ...... Mom I need a drink, Mom Jett is looking at me, Mom I need to go pee, Mom, Mom, Mom......that is only Chase, then Jett has his own wants with the list starting with drinks, snacks, put the movie on, my diaper is wet, I want my bottle, give me my taggy...all in his own little language. 
Who ever is lucky enough to be in the passenger sit, gets to tend to all of their needs and the driver, well they get to sit back and laugh!!!  I opted for driving this trip!!!    I laugh at the process of travel days!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Big Day!!!! Chase's School Career Begins!

I type this tale with joy and sadness.......really can my baby be attending his first day of school tomorrow.  I am thrilled for him but at the same time terrified.  He is going on a big school bus all by himself, with a ton of other (older) kids.  I found myself laying in bed last night, worrying about getting him out to the bus stop (which happens to be in front of our house) in time.  Worrying about making him a big boy lunch, will he eat it, will he eat his snacks at the right time.  What if he is thirsty, will I send him enough juice and milk!  My god I am making myself crazy!!!! 

On the other hand I am soooo excited for him to begin this journey!!!  I hope he loves to learn the way his Daddy does....always something new each day!!!    I will spend my evening getting his clothes picked out for his big day, getting his new school bag packed, getting the camera charged up for pictures and hugging him tightly!!!!    Here we go............will update tomorrow!!!! 

 Well the big day is here and it went off perfectly.....I was a little nervous standing there as the big bus pulled up but Chase and his buddy Braeden got on the school bus together and away they went.  It really was the sweetest sight.  However as the school bus pulled away.....omg....he was gone!!!  It all happen so darn fast.  We packed his lunch together & picked his clothes out this morning, and now there he goes down the road in the big school bus!!!  I am a proud Momma this morning!!!  Way to go Chase!!!  You did awesome....can't wait to hear how your day went!!!  Love you!

Well he is home now and had a fantastic day!!!  He was so happy when he came home and got off the bus!!!  He said he had lots of fun playing in the gym today cause they were allowed to yell and scream!!!  With nobody telling him to be quiet!!!  lol!!!  Things have changed since I attended public school for sure.  One thing that stands out is they have two nutrition snack times, one mid morning and one mid afternoon  instead of a lunch hour.  When they got off the school bus I noticed they were "tagged" like cattle, it was pretty cute, letting all know where they were heading home to.   My little man looks very tired's to a nice quiet night in the Pomeroy household!!!!  :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Flying Solo

Well this week will prove to be interesting.  Matt must leave on business for the week.  Sadly he is going to miss Chase getting on the school bus and heading off to his first day of school.  It hurts my heart knowing he will miss this experience, I can only imagine what he will be feeling being away.  So this tale will be dedicated to him.  This week I will document all the cute and not so cute things that occur at the hands of these three!!! 

To start the week off, Jett....yes of course Jett.  The boys were the basement playing as I was trying to keep things calm up on the main floor so that Chloee could have a little cat nap.  Chase started to yell that Jett needed his diaper changed.  Next Jett was coming up the stairs, no pants on, no shirt on, no diaper on...NOTHING.......but poop all over him!!! GREAT!!!  Chase then yells...."there's more down here Mommy".......I first take Jett upstairs and throw him in the shower...letting him rinse in the nice HOT water, then proceeded to head BACK down two flights of stairs yet again to the find Poo Turds all over the Pool table!!!  Apparently that is the place to poo!!!  Chase used to do the same thing during his training period but it would be up on our kitchen counter!!!  Yep...I used a lot of Bleach then for cleaning!!!    I would find little nuggets of treasures left for me on the counter!!!!  And so the poo stories continue......For people without kids I know this is a crazy thought but for those of you with kids...yep just another day!!! 

I will keep this tale open and let Matt enjoy it at the end of the week!!!  Stay Tuned!!!  lol!!!

Tues. Sept. 14th, 2010........
So another fun little story happen today......Chase, Chloee and I went out to do some errands, Jett was at preschool.  We went and got all our "stuff" done and were driving home.  I began singing to Aerosmith.....Chase says to me "Mommy stop it, you're making me headache!!!!"  Apparently I am a really bad singer if I can make someone headache!!!  lol!!

Wed. Sept. 15, 2010............
So I usually am pretty confident that my kids are in great hands when they are with worries!!!  But, today I look out the window to our backyard, which is completely fenced in with locks and all....should be no worries right???......Wrong!!!  IT'S JETT!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Princess

To start the tale, I must tell you what Matt did just hours before each one of our ultrasounds.  He took one of his business cards and wrote down his guess of what sex the baby was to be.  Wouldn't show me until we had left the building and found out what the baby was.  2 times out of 3 he had been RIGHT!    Would it happen again???????

With our two boys, Chase and Jett he called it, we were thrilled!  I was so excited to have boys, especially since they are half Gilmours, I wanted some hockey players!  But then the third opportunity came and we found ourselves in the ultrasound room.  I was so excited, I was going to be happy with either sex but deep down inside since I had been privileged with two boys I wanted a shot at a little girl.   I waited patiently for the technician to tell us the heart thumped!!!  And finally.....she said....WELL, to me it looks like a ..........little girl!!!  I almost fell off the table!!!!  Sooooooo happy and lucky, can you imagine, having two awesome healthy boys at home and now we were going to be able to add a little girl to our complete our family!!!  As we left the ultrasound office, Matt handed me the business card, and revealed..."It's gonna be a GIRL"......3 for 3 Pomeroy!!!  I now have those business cards in each one of their baby books.

Well the Pink shopping was ON!!!  I have filled this house with as much pink as I possibly could!!!!    I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have a little girl in the house now.  Chloee and I have already done many shopping trips for hair accessories, clothes and just plain old GIRL STUFF!!! 

Chloee has completed this family!!!  How very lucky we are to have her.  What a wonderful experience it hast been with all three but wow.....boys and girls sure are different.  I love everything about all three of them!!!!    The way Daddy looks at his little melts my heart!!!  Wow we are lucky people!!!!  Daddy has his deer dragers and his princess!!! 

I thank the lord above for three beautiful healthy children!!!!  EVERYDAY!!!!!

Milestone Days

Well the past couple days have been quite the Milestones for The Jettman.  Jett has begun his days at Inspiring Minds and has done an amazing being day 3 in attendance for him and as I sit and type this he is at our garage door trying to put on his own shoes to go to school!  I think he likes it there!!!  :)    The teachers have told me that Jett has a keen interest in the little bathroom there....not sure what that is about but I will investigate. 

The second huge Milestone for Jett this week is his first "Pee on the Potty".  We put him on it last night before going to bed and low and behold....he PEEEEEED!!!!  :)  It sure is funny the little things that can excite a Mom!!!    We danced around the house with him!!!  Just the same as we did with Chase on his first day!!!  He was so damn proud of himself!!!    And so are we!!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

One gene my kids received from the Pomeroy side is the gift to SLEEP absolutely anywhere and quickly.  One gene I wish I had myself.  Jett has especially captured this gene and used it to the fullest....I have found him in my house on every floor asleep in every possible corner.  Just to mention a few....At the front door, in the living room on the floor, in the sitting room, every chair in our house, his swing, toboggan, dinner table and now finally at school, right in the middle of the classroom floor....dropped and asleep!  School is tiring!!!! 

Big Heart

I was reminded by Gramma Judy about this tale.  We decided that it would be a great opportunity for Chase to be enrolled in Pre-school, so almost 2 years ago he began to attend Inspiring Minds.  The first 3 weeks were very tough....for Chase (and Mommy)....tears would appear as soon as we pulled up in the car, and they continued as dropped him off and left.  It broke my heart to see him so upset but everyone kept telling me, he will be fine, this is the best thing for him and so on.  So I continued.  Eventually after about 3 weeks, it happen, he began to look forward to going to "school" and playing and seeing his friends.  One of the best things we have done so far for Chase was enroll him in Inspiring Minds, it helped him in so many the end, preparing him for JK that he starts this fall.  The best part however happen a few months ago, there was another new boy attending the school who was having a very hard time with the transition as Chase did.    Chase showed his true colours and just how big his heart is by hugging this little boy and telling him..."It's ok, Mommy and Daddy will come back and get you later have fun with your friends, then it will be time to go home again". 

What a sweet little Dude we have!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Treadmill and The Jett

As reminded by Shannon......the treadmill story needs to be shared!!   Thanks Shannon.
As I am trying to loose that damn baby weight, we bought a treadmill.....challenging myself to get on it everyday is tough enough, but include a toddler in the picture and it becomes more interesting.  One day while taking advantage of the treadmill down in our rec-room, Jett came down with me to play while I did my run........the treadmill intrigued him too much though.....after only a few minutes on it and multiple times of telling Jett to get back, don't touch....he could not resist anymore.  Coming through the front of the the treadmill, he shot right threw my legs and flew off the back into the wall.  Yep a total home video's moment.  Too bad we missed it.  His eyeballs were the size of softballs as I saw him pass threw my legs!!!!!  LOL!!!  Poor kids....the laughs they give me are too much!!!! 

It's a plane, no it's a train....NOPE it's Jett on the Treadmill!!!

Dog Food Snacks

Why does my almost 2 year old (Jett) enjoy dog kibble sooooooo much......I literally have to race him to the mudroom when feeding our two black labs....trying to keep him out of the room while they eat, otherwise he fights them for their food diving in and grabbing two huge mitfuls and shoving it in his mouth.  Can it really taste that good.  Concerned we researched it to make sure it wasn't going to be harmful for him.  Crazy enough, there were tons of websites, dedicated to children eating dog kibble.....apparently it is a common occurrence.  Note to dog food is not good for your kids.  It is a fight during every feeding with Jett....who can get to the bowls first....Mommy or Jett????????

Pooooooo Sauce!!!

Many of you have heard this story but I must document it for all.  A few weeks ago our oldest son Chase excused himself to use the bathroom, after being in there for a very short time a cry came from the bathroom.  A panic scream actually came from the bathroom, calling for Daddy.  Matt then came running to Chase to see what was wrong.  As Matt opened the bathroom door he observed Chase standing with his pants down...and saying ....."Daddy...I have pooooooo sauce on my bum".    Poor little Chase had a case of the poopy's ...... hence poopies in our household now are describe as pooooooo sauce!!!    Thanks for the giggle Chase!

Becoming a Mommy

Maneovering Motherhood
When we first decided that it was time to have a baby.....I was terrified to say the least.  But never have my nerves been put at ease as much as when I looked into my first baby boy Chase's eyes for the very first time.  From that point on I knew I was meant to be a Mommy and put everything I can into their lives, making them happy, healthy and success people.

We then were lucky enough to have another son, 2 and half years later, Jett blew my mind with his crystal blue eyes, who'd a thunk I could have a child with Blue eyes...with this Gilmour gene.  But yes my sweet little hurricane is here!!

Next and final came Miss Chloee our princess.  What a wonderful experience it has been having a little girl....two boys and one little girl....we are such lucky people.

I am blessed to be a Stay at HOME MOM, it has been the toughest, but most wonderful job I have ever had in my life and hence this blog has been created, to help other Mom's and Dad smile and laugh at the stories that happen during kids deserve to have all of their tales documented for later in life, I have chosen to share all our stories with you.  Enjoy the tales and if you have any you would like to share, by all means forward them to me!  Matt and I have many to share with you all so let the tales begin!!!
Just know all the tales that are shared are composed while having 3 little darlings screaming, yelling, running and playing around me!!!  Be patient with me please!!!  lol!!   

Cheers to all the fellow Mommies and Daddies!!!