With Matt's job travel is a huge part......handling 3 children on my own can prove to be a huge challenge sometimes, this past week with Matt away was one for the books.
The week started off great, the first day anyway, but late that evening the table turned. Once I finally got the kids all to bed and got myself in bed and spent about an hour unwinding watching tv. I finally felt ready to sleep, cuddled in for the night and just into a nice sleep, our Carbon Monoxide detector began to sound the alarm. It took me a few minutes to finally figure out what the sound was. Alarmed and scared, I ran out the front door to see if anyone was around, as sadly I don't know enough about these detectors. Luckily our neighbours Chad and his brother were outside and came over to lend a helping hand, they couldn't figure out why it was going off either. It continued to go off for a couple of hours, Chad lent us one of his detectors so that we could turn ours off. His detector remained silent and didn't pick up anything. It was later determined that our detector had been covered in hairspray......wonder who could have done that...JETT!!!!!! That night not alot of sleep was had, as later on in the evening a little tornado ran threw our area and tore our back deck lawn furniture apart, dumping things, removing the umbrella and making a heck of a lot of nice.
The next morning was a very long one, we woke and Jett was ill, he had a huge temperature and wanted to sleep all day, I just kept up on the advil and fluids for him..poor little man......the next day he seemed to be fine, and then it was Chase's turn......he awoke in the middle of the night and came in bed with me, needing advil also, with a huge temperature. Sleep was not our friend for the past 3 nights!!!
We woke the next morning and Chase stayed in bed for the day, so it was his turn to keep the fluids and advil to him. The following morning he was doing much better.....next it was onto Chloee. Chloee was teething at the same time so things seemed to be a little more intense for her. Her fever got up to 101 and she would not allow me to leave her at all!! She was not in good spirits at all or eating or drinking.....After day 3 of this behaviour I began to get a little scared and thought she needed to be seen by he doctor. Later that day I had her into our family doctor and after being checked out the doctor sent us to the hospital. Couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, so they wanted to do some more extensive exams and test.....7 hours later we were released with all test coming back negative and they determined that she had a viral infection. Poor little thing. Daddy jumped on a plane and headed home from Vancouver that night to help and Gramma and Boppa jumped in the car and drove here to help also. Our good friends the Jossee's helped out so greatly with taking the boys for me while I had Chlo at the hospital.......Moral of this week, we have wonderful people in our lives ...thank you all for your offers to help us!!