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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Report in JK....A VERY Proud Mommy Moment!!!

To quote from Mrs. Roth, Chase's JK teacher...a little report sent home to us on Jan. 11, 2011.  Yep we are proud!!!!

"Hi!  Happy New Year!
Just wanted to let you know how well Chase is progressing.  Chase has been printing his name wonderfully....taking his time and staying left to right!  He is even reading some simple pattern books in small reading groups!!!  Continue to have him point under the words and use picture clues to ready!!!
Thanks, Mrs. Roth"

How awesome is this!!!  Mommy and Daddy are so very proud of you Chaseman!!!


  1. Haha ours basically says the same thing but she has stoped writing her name and just puts a K... kind of like my little story today she wants someone to finish the rest.. "I'm to tired to write my name!" proud ....ha

  2. WAY TO GO CHASE... Now tell Katelynn to smarten up!
